Episode 5
The Supermen

Safety Bites: Lunchtime
Episode 5 – The Supermen

Kalle and Mo are just on their way to the office wing to pick up their certificates for attending the industrial safety course. What they see next leaves them rubbing their eyes in amazement.
Thank goodness our Dynamic Duo is always in the right place at the right time…

Office Safety

Slips, trips and cuts – Office workers have accidents too. Especially when they get careless.

Office staff face a lower risk of injury than shop floor workers. That said, hazards and accidents are still all too common in the office. The first step towards avoiding them? Understanding where and how they happen.

Slips, trips and cuts

Seemingly harmless stairways, loose lying cables and cluttered walkways can easily turn into tripping hazards. Unsuitable climbing aids, wet floors or inappropriate footwear are often to blame for painful falls. And cuts from scissors, guillotine cutters, or even paper, commonly top the office accident charts.

Common causes: Negligence, haste and stress

Pressure, time constraints and lack of communication are often involved. Another crucial factor; however, is our own personal behavior: Not paying attention while climbing the stairs, rushing too quickly through office hallways, or using an office chair to reach an overhead item instead of getting the ladder can all have dire consequences.

Protective clothing has little use for preventing accidents in the office workplace. So better stay alert and keep a keen eye out for potential hazards.

Be mindful at all times and play it safe!

Take a tip from Mo:

∙ Don’t forget: Accidents can

happen – even to you

∙ Keep your eyes on the

path and off your smartphone

∙ Avoid freshly mopped floors

∙ Use suitable climbing aids only

∙ Take care when handling paper,

scissors or guillotine cutters




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