Episode 10
The Champions

Safety Bites: Lunchtime
Episode 10 – The Champions

One of Kalle’s colleagues from another department turned an ankle on the stairs. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the accident is now set to mess up the department’s accident statistics.

What now? Grit your teeth and take the award for twelve accident-free months tomorrow? Or better go see the doctor, report the accident, and risk losing the accolade?

Safe Travels!

Accidents don’t just happen in the workplace. You can also sustain an injury on the way to or from work.

Stumbling on the steps, a tumble off a bicycle – accidents can happen on the way to work, too. In many cases, the consequences are not all that drastic. But not always. Sometimes the injuries are so serious as to have a permanent impact on health and wellbeing, resulting in prolonged absences from work. And sometimes even a minor injury can turn out to be more severe than initially thought.

Please do not take any accident lightly. Have injuries seen to right away if need be – even minor injuries. Report all mishaps and travel accidents, preferably by notifying your Supervisor and Occupational Safety, or your local HS&E contact directly.

Why report accidents?

There are plenty of good reasons to report accidents. Firstly, to secure your insurance coverage. And secondly, to help us identify and eliminate potential accident risks.

Let’s make our company even safer so we all arrive home fit and healthy at the end of the day.

Take a tip from Mo:

∙ Don’t take accidents lightly.

∙ See to the injury,

even if it seems trivial.

∙ Always report accidents

to your Supervisor.

∙ Help eliminate hazards in

and around the company.




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